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大家在看欢迎来到我的地狱 何不同舟渡 污欲狂撩 穿越六零,随军海岛养崽崽 青楼女子要从良,侯爷首辅请靠边 快穿:好孕爆棚,帝王掌中宝 从修真穿到70年代当军嫂 彩礼十万,我和陌生总裁契约领证了 修仙要努力,赚钱不容易 反派!你人设歪了啊! 
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第10章 盘溪荒宅

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It\\u0027s July,most of us are on holiday.I arrange it in order to make it meaningful and diverse.of course,I\\u0027ll finish my homework,take exercises every morning and a walk after dinner.besides these,I\\u0027d like to learn how to cook meals,for I\\u0027m mature gradually and must be independent and no longer just rely on parents.what\\u0027s more,I really expect to travel to Shanghai for world Expo.It\\u0027s a precious opportunity to appreciate the get-together of different cultures and sciences.I wish I would have a fulfilled summer vacation.

After there years is study ,I feel very tird .this is a good chance to plan my summer holiday .First,I want to beijing to relax myself .beijing is the capital of our country .And there are many place of interest there,such as the palace museum,the Summer palace,the Great wall and so on .I have been to the Great wall before,so I will visit it first.then I would like to visit tsinghua University,one of the most famous universities in china,because I want to study there some day.I believe my my dream will e true.

After that,I plan go over my lessons and preview what I am going to learn in senior school in order to make great progress.I am sure I will have a pleasant and happy holiday.

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站内强推官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 人生得意时须纵欢 魔艳武林后宫传 穿越豪门之娱乐后宫 龙魂侠影 惊!天降老公竟是首富 赵氏嫡女 亮剑:我给云龙当领导 千秋我为凰 六零之老苏家的金凤凰飞出来啦 镇龙棺,阎王命 重生,从亲奶奶诬陷我偷钱开始 花都太子 我在异世封神 红尘都市 团宠真千金竟是玄门大佬 系统:你能不能长点心 重生80靠赶山狩猎实现财富自由 全民梦师:我的梦境来自千古华夏 四合院:开局设计坑贾家阴棒梗 
经典收藏虚空塔 重生七零:知青在北大荒 快穿,我是年代文的悲惨炮灰 从修真穿到70年代当军嫂 枯坐三千载,我破庙石像人前显圣 穿越抗战:带着妹妹杀鬼子 盗墓:开局只有两年 六零空间,全家穿成年代文炮灰 六零:缺德女配在线夺笋 惊!天降老公竟是首富 西游:我孙悟空,苟在五指山下! 四合院的小日常 火影:人在忍界,这个佐助很逆天! 天字经 轮回乐园:从斩神世界开始 相亲失败一百次,我成了首富 七零小作精娇气包的狼崽子男友 斗罗之不想成神的我居然成神了 废土末世异世开荒 穿书后,她竟是我前世青梅 
最近更新修仙:开局获得一双鹰瞳 妖尾:从黑龙开始进化 不知微醺 和离后想摆烂,首辅当街夺我入怀 火影之白泉沫正传 本是人好 绷带精成精!路飞他们都惊讶了! 穿越后和我妈一起女团出道 穿越成修仙界的小废材后我飞升了 八零对照组:换亲后,我被团宠了 【恣野】 让你演恶毒女配不是窝囊废 炼刀录 快穿:钓系尤物让反派神魂颠倒 民国:拥大佬入怀,做港城之主! 我在末世拥有了躺平生活 我在古代是大侠 摄政王偷看日记,我从炮灰变团宠 重生修仙,开局绑定锦鲤系统 诡异故事会 
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