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About why I wrote this article and what I will write next.

the first time I came into contact with \"concave and concave world\", I was in my second or third year of high school. At that time, there was only the first anime, and I heard it was a good chinese ic, so I went to watch it.

probably because I'm older (x), I chased Naruto in elementary school, giant ghoul in junior high school, and Lelouch and other major middle school movies, so the plot seems to me to be a relatively standard hot-blooded manga, but this anime is very popular I'm trying to be likable, but I don't want to explain too much. I believe that a large part of the fans who have followed it till now are actually fans of the characters.

After the psychedelic storyline in the second season, I almost gave up on it. Unexpectedly, a few years later, during the summer vacation, I suddenly went crazy (?) and started watching some old shows. then I finished watching this anime again and did a little research on the plot.

however, I didn’t understand what qichuangshe wanted to say (x), so I basically started writing randomly after the arena game.

I am a very pure character fan. but in my opinion, these characters still have some \"problems\", or they triggered my thinking.

Let’s talk about the character who plays the most roles in my novel. because they were the first to appear, qi chuangshe also intended to increas

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